Herodotus Discrimination Against The Persians: An Analysis

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Pages: 3

Another example of Herodotus’ discrimination against the Persians can be seen in book 3, with the discussion of what type of government the Persians should put into place. There are three options either democracy, oligarchy, and monarchy and each have the positive and negative elements and outcomes. Otanes believed that they should give the power to the people because one cannot be trusted nor expected to rule fair and affectively. He continues his point by saying that power corrupts all and that even the more just man will be tempted with power and greed and not rule for the best of the whole state. Megabyzus agrees that one ruler is dangerous idea but disagrees that the people should run the government because an unruly violent mob is worse …show more content…
With the start and expansion of Islam we see more fear seen and expressed from the West towards the Middle East. Islam was able to spread at the speed that it did due to the religion originating, being adopted and spread by Bedouins. Their experience raiding, fighting and nomadic lifestyle helped their quest to spread the word of Islam to those of the Middle East and beyond. This raiding behavior and tradition continued into the 15th century with the emirate Osman starting the Ottoman Empire. In the same century under Mohammed the Conqueror the empire acquired more territory including the Western territory of Constantinople, later named Istanbul. In 1603 Richard Knolles characterized the Ottoman Empire as “the present terror of the world”. The Ottoman Empire was able to be a feared power and to sustain itself for so long due to its loose and central structure and policies on religion but the empire fate changed when these policies that had worked so well started to do a disservice to the empire and its subjects. The Ottoman Empire started to loose its power and reputation to outside or European powers starting in the second half of the 19th century. Leading into the years that led to World War I, the Tsar Nicholas II named the once all-powerful Ottoman Empire “the sick man of Europe”. This description represented how the Ottoman Empire had become a