Hierarchy In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

Words: 933
Pages: 4

All around the word people have classified themselves. The most common way people classify themselves is by how much money they have which is an old system used among multiple countries. Usually the slaves and peasants are on the bottom, then merchants, and then royality is on the top. Similarly, Steinbeck uses the hierarchy to classify the characters in the novella Of Mice and Men. They are classified by skin color, money, and race in the story. In the novella Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck the characters Slim, the boss, and Crooks are all differently placed on the hierarchy depending on their traits and characteristics. In the novella Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck the boss is superior to everyone because he owns the ranch and he gives jobs to the ranch hands. When the boss is first meeting Lennie and George the narrator announces, “The boss said suddenly, "Listen, Small!" Lennie raised his head. "What can you do?" In a panic, Lennie looked at George for help” (Steinbeck 11). This illustrates the power the boss has because you are not calling him by his first or last name like you call your co workers and adults. This also conveys the authority he has because he can order people around and people care about what he has to say because Lennie panics when the boss tells him to speak. In addition, during the orientation Candy gives George and Lennie, …show more content…
Hierarchies do not exist in a society that is equal unlike Of Mice and Men. One way people are put on hierarchies is by gender because females are seen lower than males. This happens in so many places around the world and often women get paid less, can not get an education, have to do homely chores, all because their gender. They are put into categories for things they cannot control and should be accepted in society. All around the word people have classified