Essay on HIS hw 2100 2

Submitted By joe22222
Words: 366
Pages: 2

HIST 2100581 Unit 2

This article introduces the possibility of gaining a better sense of the rebel slaves by examining the African cultures in which they had roots. Pinpoint the author's thesis, evidence and/or his conclusions. Though the essay will require careful reading, responses should be short, concise and specific, i.e a short paragraph. I will be looking for a grasp of the information and your ability to distil and convey your sense of the article precisely and concisely.

Author leader, John K. Thornton shows us a larger perspective on the African slaves in Haiti by examining their heritage and various allegiances. The attention to the ideological orientation of the late century Kongo mass of salves and their believes is important to their actions, even if their leaders were creoles with no African background. Civil war over King’s powers in the Kongo divided the country for many years. Thornton proves this by providing evidence for Portuguese Christian settlers influenced the Kong government and established slave trade law. The Kongolese people worshiped their own gods and had occult beliefs similar to European witches. The cult life & Christian beliefs influenced many beliefs such as the harmonious dimension of life. The Kongolese were not anarchists, the approved of authority if they used there power for public interest. In conclusion, these believes lead the Haitian revolution in 1791 due to the perception that the authority was not acting the in the best interest of the populous.