History 106 Essay example

Submitted By ralphealp
Words: 377
Pages: 2

The Aftermath of War and Emancipation

Redefining Freedom –
Former slaves searched for family members.
^ desired to become landowners
^ controlled their own labor and lives
^ sought economic independence
^ demanded inclusion in southern politics (wanted to vote)

White southerners hoped for “economic revival”
^ desired a “return to tradition” (white supremacy)

Accepting Responsibility –
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands (Freedmen’s Bureau)
1. Labor disputes
2. “Forty Acres and a Mule” provision
3. Freedmen’s Schools (Provided education for white and black southerners)

Reestablishing Control –

Seeds of Change (Process/Period of Reconstruction)

Who had the Authority?
Abraham Lincoln’s The Ten Percent Plan (1863)
Congressional Republicans’ Wade-Davis Bill (1864)
Required a vote
Required establishment of new state government
Required the president to appoint a positional governor
Required the abolishment of slavery
Repudiation of confederate dead

Presidential Reconstruction –
Andrew Johnson’s “Restoration” Plan (What did it consist of?)

Southern Response –
“Black Codes” (What did they do and why?)
Ku Klux Klan (What did they do and why?)

Radical Reconstruction –
Civil Rights Act (1866)
Fourteenth Amendment (1866)
Reconstruction Act (1867)
Tenure of Office Act (1867)
Fifteenth Amendment (1869)
Enforcement Acts “KKK Acts” (1870 and 1871)

Factors that Disrupted the Reconstruction of the South

Depression of 1873
Disillusionment with slow economic recovery
Civil Rights Act of 1875
Slaughterhouse Cases (1873)
The Compromise of 1877
Agreement promised removal of troops from the South
Ended the “Era