Essay about History: Achaemenid Empire

Submitted By SarahMirandy1
Words: 486
Pages: 2

Sarah Mirandy
History Essay #2
4 February 2013

The Persian nation seems like a very laid back nation although it was the largest empire the world had ever seen. This achievement can be attributed to Cyrus the great who assembled the army against so many other empires. The Persians were tolerant of the beliefs and cultures of the peoples that they had conquered. They allowed them to continue living their lives in the manner that their culture dictated. This stood in contrast to the Assyrians who had enforced their rule through fear. This tolerance led to the people accepting their Persian conquerors.
The Persian Empire was different than other empires, there was no temples or altars or images of gods. One had to be very “ladylike” in front of others. “To vomit or obey natural calls in the presence of another is forbidden among them (Para. 4). The Persians did not worship a god for every thing just the main things such as, the sun and the moon, the earth, the fire, the water, and the winds. Their way of sacrificing was very low key including no lighting or candles, no alter of any kind and no sound. The one being sacrificed cannot pray for himself, he can only pray for the well being of the king and the kingdom.
Since the Persians respect the nations that they conquer, they have learned the adopt to foreign customs. They have taken the clothes from Medes and they wear an Egyptian breastplate. From the Greeks they have taken “lust” which means they each have several wives and there were still a lot of concubines.
A great accomplishment of the Persian Empire was having the most sons. Whoever wins such recognition receives a gift from the king. Until the son is five the father should not meet or come into contact with him so if something shall happen and he should die, the