Essay on History: Industrial Revolution and N. d . Web .

Submitted By revans9
Words: 946
Pages: 4

Photo Essay
Slide 1 – How the Industrial revolution affects us today: Positively or negatively.
Slide 2 – Even though the Industrial revolution brought many positives into our world, such as improving transportation and communication, it has had everlasting negative effects on our world today. It all started in London England around 1750 and it wasn’t long for other European cities to catch on and make changes similar to those of England.
Slide 3 – Before the industrial revolution, the city of Manchester looked like this. In 1750 it was a very nice town with no factories and wasn`t overpopulated whatsoever.
Slide 4 - If you jump ahead 50 so years, the city of Manchester changed completely. This industrial revolution had started to spread throughout England and the rest of Europe. Manchester became a filthy British city where living conditions would be harshly impacted.
Slide 5 & 6 – The reason for the change that occurred in 50 years was because of one resource that had become discovered and overused. Coal, when paired with the steam engine provided a portable system of energy. Ships would now be able to cross the Atlantic in days and trains would transport goods from city-to-city much faster than before. This would all allow for more factories to be built because the production would be shipped out all around the world.
Slide 7 – Since factories were being opened in the larger cities of England, jobs were being created. Even though this isn`t a bad thing, it would lead to rapid urbanization. Population`s in Manchester, London and Bradford would experience large population growths never seen before.
Slide 8, 9 & 10 – Since these cities grew so rapidly, they were not ready for the changes that were needed. The factory workers would live in small dwellings that were put up quickly and cheaply since the builders were motivated by profit and quantity over quality. These houses would not be equipped with a bathroom or running toilet. Nine people would live in one small house and there would be 6 toilets per block of 40 houses. The toilets would rarely be emptied and when they were, the waste was dumped onto a cart and dumped into the river. Waste would be thrown out windows on a regular basis because there was no sanitation. The streets would quickly be filled with trash. The streets would be crowded with garbage if the `` night men didn`t do their job properly. Sanitation and hygiene barley existed throughout the 18th century, allowing diseases such as chorea to breed in the crowded filthy slums. Many individuals would get diseases living in this environment and not have anyone to treat it. This became a huge problem since some diseases were lethal.
Slide 11 – Since the populations and number of factories were increasing by such large amounts, the working conditions were getting much worse. Jobs in factories could be very dangerous and typical shifts ranged from 12 – 16 hours. Many people would get fired because of complaining, sickness or injury.
Slide 12 – Women would begin to work in factories and be treated even worse than men, they would be paid much worse. Many women would sew for 12 hours a day in a factory then come home and be expected to cook, clean and perform.
Slide 13 – Children as young as 6 would work up to 14 hours a day and receive little or no pay. About 14% of Britain`s workforce in 1750 were under 14 years old. These children would be treated without respect and their safety would be neglected. They would be verbally and physically abuse very often.
Slide 14 – The poor conditions that these individuals would experience has shaped the conditions that some workers still experience today. Even though working conditions in factories have improved drastically because of laws and