History: Salvation and Gospel Essay

Submitted By Djfoster71
Words: 1625
Pages: 7

Many people perceive the Christian Gospel as confusing because it states things that have happened without direct proof, but there are also many other people who rejoice in the Gospel that has set them free and given them eternal life. Some people can’t accept morally that all sins are equal, in Consider by Dr. Weider and Dr. Gutierrez it explains how most people do not like to consider themselves in the same group as murders and rapists according to sin. Another example of this was in this week presentation The Message of Christianity by Dr. Ben Gutierrez about peoples feeling of always wanting to good or to be better than others and also supporting how people do not like to be grasped in the same group of our sins with murders and rapists. Some people emotionally can’t believe our God can be so loving and forgiving, for example Romans 5:8 tells of God’s love for his people saying “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us”. Many people perceive the Christian Gospel as confusing because it states things that have happened without direct proof, but there are also many other people who rejoice in the Gospel that has set them free and given them eternal life. Some people can’t accept morally that all sins are equal, in Consider by Dr. Weider and Dr. Gutierrez it explains how most people do not like to consider themselves in the same group as murders and rapists according to sin. Another example of this was in this week presentation The Message of Christianity by Dr. Ben Gutierrez about peoples feeling of always wanting to good or to be better than others and also supporting how people do not like to be grasped in the same group of our sins with murders and rapists. Some people emotionally can’t believe our God can be so loving and forgiving, for example Romans 5:8 tells of God’s love for his people saying “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us”. Some people have not experienced that type of unconditional love in their life. Also many humans can’t grasp why things happen in our world and why God does not seem to intervene. Intellectually many people feel as though there is not enough real support in the gospel. But in reading The Popular Encyclopedia of Apologetics sections on Christ, Resurrection Of and Salvation, Exclusivity Of, the book gives biblical reasons of support to the unnatural events that occur in the gospel message. As Christians we need to understand the answers to the questions about the Gospel and we need to have the facts to help back it up.Many people perceive the Christian Gospel as confusing because it states things that have happened without direct proof, but there are also many other people who rejoice in the Gospel that has set them free and given them eternal life. Some people can’t accept morally that all sins are equal, in Consider by Dr. Weider and Dr. Gutierrez it explains how most people do not like to consider themselves in the same group as murders and rapists according to sin. Another example of this was in this week presentation The Message of Christianity by Dr. Ben Gutierrez about peoples feeling of always wanting to good or to be better than others and also supporting how people do not like to be grasped in the same group of our sins with murders and rapists. Some people emotionally can’t believe our God can be so loving and forgiving, for example Romans 5:8 tells of God’s love for his people saying “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us”. Some people have not experienced that type of unconditional love in their life. Also many humans can’t grasp why things happen in our world and why God does not seem to intervene. Intellectually many people feel as though there is not enough real support in the gospel. But in reading The Popular Encyclopedia of Apologetics sections on Christ, Resurrection Of and Salvation,