Holden Caulfield Character Analysis

Words: 643
Pages: 3

Being the Catcher in the Rye For Holden Caulfield, the main problem is that he is not ready to grow up. He wants everything to stay the same, like the displays in a museum. When he gets kicked out of Pencey Prep because of his bad grades, Holden decides to run away from his problems and try to avoid the transition from adolescence into adulthood, but eventually realises that he can’t delay the inevitable, decides to move on and let go of his responsibility of being the catcher in the rye. Holden’s disdain for change is eminent in his attitude towards growing up. He especially hates it when people talk about age, like when Stradlater says “She's too old for you", Holden suddenly feels like “getting old Stradlater in a half nelson” (Salinger