Holy Spirit Research Paper

Words: 501
Pages: 3

Once referred to as a helper in the book of John by Jesus, the Holy Spirit operates out of compassion within the Trinity and the life of the Christian: therefore, the Holy Spirit’s role as reconciler between Creation and God is my first discussion topic. Just as the Holy Spirit functions as a mediator between the Father and the Son within the Trinity, he also “mediates the relationship between creatures and God (Pinnock, 60).” Not only does the Spirit works towards bringing God into an “intimate relationship with the world (Pinnock, 51);” He also works to bring mankind “toward the goal of union (Pinnock, 61).” The author continues to describe the Spirit as the “perfecter of the works of God in creation (Pinnock, 63),” Evidence of this is seen in John 16 when Jesus tells his disciples that the Spirit of Truth “will guide you into all truth (NASB).” However, mankind must also be actively involved in the union between them and …show more content…
“Neglecting creator Spirit gives us a narrow perspective on God’s operation in the world (Pinnock, 63).” As written by the apostle Paul in the book of Romans, “and He who searches the heart knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God (Romans 8:27, NASB),” tells the Christian that a relationship with the Holy Spirit is necessary if he or she desires have right standing with God because not only does the Spirit know the mind of God, he intercedes on behalf of the