Holy Trinity Research Paper

Words: 1390
Pages: 6

The Holy Trinity contains God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. As one God, they work as individuals in order to achieve the one common interest of guiding human beings throughout their lives. Just like the Holy Trinity is trying to achieve their common interest, the readers reflect upon the elements of the American Dream originally displayed by the three cultural groups of the Pre-Colonial Era, who desire the same common interest, which contributed to the literature of that time period. Similar to the Holy Trinity’s goal, scanning through the writings of creation myths, legal documents, poems, and songs, Native American lifestyle offers bountiful opportunities for everyone just as the Garden of Eden has for Adam and Eve. Next, …show more content…
To continue the idea of individuality being celebrated, the author Olaudah Equiano vividly described the desire for individuality amongst all the slaves. During the voyage to the New World as a slave, in The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olauda Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa the African, the white men on the ship offered Olaudah a portion of liquor in a wine glass and he refused to drink it so the whites started to beat him. Furthermore, Olaudah was willing to go against the whites by making his own decision of not drinking the alcohol and expressing his own opinions. In addition to the troubles Olaudah faces, he and the slaves he worked with were unable to express their individuality because of how the slave owners treated them. To recommence this idea, in the narrative, The History of Mary Prince, a West Indian Slave, by Mary Prince ,when Mary first arrived at the slave owners house, her emotions of missing her family caused her to cry and her owner began to scold her by telling her to go do work. This example instituted the idea that slaves, including Mary Prince, had to follow the order of their slave owners, suppressing their rights to make their own decisions. With little to no rights, the African Americans were blindsided by the slave traders who forced them to work in …show more content…
As Columbus’ adventures began, he found many islands including: San Salvador, María de Concepción, Fernandina, Isabella, and Isla Juana. All of these islands, as Columbus wrote about them in “Letter to Luis de Santangel Regarding the First Voyage,” were empty with no towns or villages with plenty of potential. As time goes on, the concept of future being better than the past is applied by settlers and explorers, developing the vacant grounds into abundant towns. In addition to Columbus’ writings explaining his optimism for the future, John Smith chose propaganda techniques to convince Europeans to move to America, excluding the negatives. These important details about America are included in the letter From a Description of New England, written by John Smith, describing the plethora of opportunities immigrants will have for jobs and the ample amount of food and water sources they will have. Smith chose to only include the positives of immigrating to America because he knew that all the people immigrating to the New World would help make life in America better than the life in Europe. To finalize the idea of future being better than the past, as said before, it exemplified the many opportunities of jobs that immigrants could take part in. With