Homan Square: A Case Study

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Pages: 3

Controversy has erupted against the Chicago Police Department for allegedly participating in an off-the-books interrogation site in Homan Square.

The site is operated on Chicago’s west side and is notorious for restraining, denying access to legal counsel and sometimes beating their suspects. The apprehended individuals are isolated from their attorneys and relatives leaving them unaware of their whereabouts.

Homan Square is a multi-use facility comprised of military-style vehicles, cells, and even cages. At Homan Square, individuals, mostly identified as poor, black or brown Chicagoans expressed that the interrogation site resembles something of a CIA “black site”.

The Chicago Police Departments actions pursued in these “black sites” have stirred uproar in the Chicago community. Activists have taken the streets in protest of the CPD to “Shut Down Homan Square.”
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As an executive director of the Chicago Justice Project, and a writer on military interrogation tactics, Siska said, “Ninety-nine percent of the people from this site are involved in some form of street crime: gang activities, drugs—urban violent crime. That’s what makes the site even worse. It takes Guantanamo-style tactics on urban street criminals and shreds the Bill of Rights.

In cases like Brian Jacob Church, suspects are confined from society, spending hours or even days shackled, cuffed and deprived of food. Brian Jacob Church, a member of the NATO 3, told The Guardian, “He was arrested and held for 17 hours at Homan Square in 2012, before being charged and convicted and spending two and a half years in prison.”

Often times, suspects emerge from the facility with injuries, claiming being physically abused by Chicago police officers. Interrogated suspects include Kory Wright and Deandre