Homelessness Observation Report

Words: 473
Pages: 2

I recently had the honor of attending on of the events promoting hunger and homelessness week. The event in which I attended was a panel of students that was put together by Dr. Padot, to discuss the issues of homelessness and hunger in the Unites States. The event began by giving out some statistics on how many homeless people are out during any given night in the United States. The numbers were shocking because they were over 500,000. It was even more shocking that the number was over 700,000 people 10 years prior. So even though the number of homeless people had decreased, it is still a problem that is not close to getting fixed. Some of the speakers on the panel even worked in homeless shelters and got to share their experiences. The most shocking thing that I learned was that a large number of homeless people actually prefer to live on the streets than have shelter. Just like in a community, people who are homeless tend to make friends with other homeless people and they form a special bond on the streets. Another interesting thing that we talked about is the percentage of homeless people who have a mental disability. About 50% of homeless people suffer with a mental disability. This causes them to not be able to hold down a job or interact with loved ones that they may have. Dr. Padot was able to share an experience that she had wile she was …show more content…
Before hearing the panels discussion, I always thought that most homeless people were homeless because they were drug or alcohol abusers. While these people make up a large percent of homeless people, they are not the only kind of homeless people. Other reasons may include loss of a job, domestic violence, and sever mental disabilities. After hearing the panel’s discussion, I really would like to try to get more involved with helping the homeless, because it really opened my eyes to how serious the problem is, especially in northeast