Homosexuals In The Holocaust

Words: 265
Pages: 2

The Holocaust was a significant point in history that fed off of European anti-Semitism and other fears of the general public. Many groups were considered dangerous plaques poisoning the superior Aryan race with every breath that they took. Personal characteristic such as religion, genetics, nationalism, and sexual preference were all taken into account when deciding whether or not an individual could be included as part of the Aryan race, or if they were seen as an enemy. With this knowledge in mind, it is not a surprise that Adolf Hitler was able to capitalize off of these fears for as long as he did. Hitler and his Nazi’s consistently blamed the targets groups of the Holocaust for every bad thing that ever happened to Germany, whether it be the loss of World War One, the start of World War Two, or the spread of homosexuality throughout the population; they could always find someone to blame. Finding someone to blame, however, was not all the Third Reich was searching for. They wanted to irradiate the world of these lesser beings, and create more space for the purified Aryan race to grow. Homosexuals made up one of the smallest target groups, but they, along with the Jews, were treated as the least human of them all. …show more content…
In addition to the bigotry that homosexuals faced in their everyday lives, their experiences in the Holocaust can be illustrated by the pink triangle they were forced to wear to signify their homosexuality and sexual deviance, the medical experiments they were subjected to, and the often deadly assignments they were