Honesty Communication In Giant Dreams, Midget Abilities

Words: 567
Pages: 3

Me talk pretty one day consists of mostly internal dialogue. In other words, David’s thoughts and opinions dominate the book. Due to the lack of honest external interaction, communication is an easy concept to decipher. The beginning of the book focuses on young David who is struggling to relate to expectations and his peers. In the chapter, Giant Dreams, Midget Abilities, David begins taking guitar lessons despite his desire to sing. His teacher is a shorter than average height, womanizer who david instantly relates to. “We were each a man trapped inside a boy's body. All things considered there was no reason I shouldn’t address him not as a teacher but as an artistic brother.” -Pg 27. David seizes the chance to have honest communication with someone who is different like himself in hopes his teacher will understand. David come clean and performs a jingle for his teacher who is less than amused. His teacher denies him. “He meant that if we’re defined by our desire, I was in for a lifetime of trouble. The remainder of the hour was spent awkwardly watching the clock as we silently pretended to tune our guitars.” -Pg 29. This is the only example of the book where David conquers his …show more content…
There is an obvious emphasis he puts on the students interpretation of himself that diminishes the emphasis that should be put on what he is actually teaching. This demonstrates his need to relate to his peers in order to prompt communication. “For the first time since the beginning of the school year, my student came together as one. I remember only that the laughter was so loud, so violent and prolonged that Mr. Sedaris had to run and close the door so that the real teachers could conduct their business in peace.”- Pg 96. His struggle to relate to people can all be traced back to his childhood and stories earlier in the book. Like his guitar teacher, David was once again denied the honest expression he