Honoring Coyote Research Paper

Words: 587
Pages: 3

Honoring Coyote
How is He significant in your life?
He teaches us not to take life to seriously, and that you can fin wisdom in the unexpected.

How do you evoke His attributes into your life and why would you want to?
I try to have more fun, and playfulness in my life, and to roll with the punches

Write a prayer, chant or meditation to Him.

I will say I'm not a meditation writer, but I thought writing one for this assignment would be the best.

Coyote meditation to unlock playfulness

see yourself on a snow covered hill in front of you are large footprints, the biggest Coyote tracks you have ever seen.
Look closely at the, how do they look, what shape are they, what patterns, and which way are they going.

follow his tracks, what story is his tracks
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How do you behave?

What is it like to be playful, and to play this game?

See yourself as this playful child playing this game, imagining all the details.

you are this child who is very playful, and very joyful, and who is having the best time This playful child is happy and joyful, the ideal image of playfulness that would exist if there was nothing that could get in the way of being playful, and having fun.

The child you are imagining has always been inside you...and still exists inside you right now. It is your inner child.

Think about the things you have planned for tomorrow. Think about the places you will be, and the things you will do tomorrow.
Now imagine that instead of being serious all day tomorrow, you instead let your playful inner child come out, and play with the coyote. Imagine becoming more playful. Imagine what it would be like.starting at the beginning of your day, and going through out your day Imagine yourself going about the routines and activities of your day with the playfulness of this child. Picture the way you would behave.the things you would do...how you would feel...imagine what it would be like to be playful like