Hope Was Here Theme

Words: 643
Pages: 3

The books “Hope Was Here” and “Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes” have several themes in common. In this essay I will discuss the themes, abandonment, friendship and trust, and determination. In both “Hope Was Here” and “Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes” there were signs of friendship or trust, or how someone gained trust. In both books the characters had to deal with abandonment and how to work their way through it. “Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes” and “Hope Was here” both show determination in the characters and they try hard to get themselves through things. I will be discussing how the themes of both books relate.

One of first themes that stood out to me was abandonment. In “Hope Was Here” Hope was left to live with her aunt because her mother did not think she would be
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Sarah is determined to get away from her father. She even fakes having an illness and is put into a hospital to get away from her dad. Eric is determined to help Sarah. He gets Sarah a place to stay with their teacher and tries to find Sarah’s mother. In the book “Hope Was here” G.T. is running to become mayor. Addie, Hope, Braverman, and many others help G.T. by putting up posters and going door to door campaigning for him. With their hard work and determination G.T. is elected as the mayor. Both books have themes in common, abandonment, friendship and trust, and determination. In “Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes” Sarah is abandoned by her mother and so is Hope in “Hope Was Here”. Both Hope and Sarah have their own ways of dealing and trying to connect with their mothers. In “Hope Was here” and “Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes” they had to trust their friends and make some new ones. Sarah became really close to one of her teachers and Hope made friends in her new town. Sarah and Hope are both determined to get something they want. Sarah wants to get away from her dad and meet her mother and Hope wants to help G.T. become