Hopkinson's Money Tree Figurative Language

Words: 344
Pages: 2

On page 9 of Nalo Hopkinson’s Money Tree Silky is gazing at the pear tree to try to keep her mind off of Morgan and is day dreaming given the peaceful tone. You see the words “moist heat”, “sun cast”, and “autumn light” these phrases which relate to the environment and scenery become a significant part of the passage. These phrases help paint a picture of the type of place Silky was at this specific time in the passage. Hopkinson uses imagery such as “moist heat”, “crisp fall air”, “smooth skin”, and “watery air” to give context to the peacefulness of the pear tree and its environment. The choice of words helps the reader to understand the type of writer Hopkinson is and helps connect nature to human expressions. The pears from the passage