Horse Controversy: A Fictional Narrative

Words: 750
Pages: 3

Introduction- Everybody falls in life and may do many times. But as you fall you will learn to get back up and try again. When trying again you can succeed and it feels great

When you fall get back up Gabby was staying with Travis for the weekend and that’s why Kennidy decided to stay to. It was a nice summer day the birds were chirping and there was a small breeze. It was the perfect day to go horseback riding. Kennidy and Gabby asked Travis if they could go ride horses and Travis said yes. They all walked out and saddled up the horses. Kennidy was riding her horse Dusty who had a lot of attitude and does what he wants when he wants. Gabby was riding Cherokee who was easy going and didn’t have any attitude whatsoever. Travis was riding pal who was just like Dusty attitude wise and maybe a little worse but Travis grew up with horses so he knew how to handle him. Dusty’s stirrups on his saddle needed adjusted to the length of Kennidy’s legs. So she saddled him up and sat on the saddle while Travis adjusted the length of the stirrups. Dusty then decided to jump a five foot cement wall as Kennidy was on him not holding on because they did not expect him to do that. When he jumped Kennidy fell off and got scratches all over her stomach, chest, and back. Then she also got her leg stepped on. Nobody knew why Dusty did it because he had never ever done anything like that in his entire life. Travis Gabby, and Kennidy still wanted to go riding but Kennidy was a little scared to get back on Dusty.
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Moral of the story is that when Kennidy fell she was scared to get back up but even though she was scared she still got back up and got on Dusty again. Although you are scared get back up because when Kennidy tried again she was okay and she had lots of fun on the