Horse Foundering Research Paper

Words: 599
Pages: 3

Katie Crossman
Professor Name
Computers I
24 April 2017
Horse soring abuse, neglect, and foundering
This is an article about the abuse of horse soring and what it is and the pain the horses go through, and horse abuse, horse neglect, horse foundering, there are all of these thing that people do to their horses and nobody does anything about it and thousands of people get away with it and the horse could be an amazing horse but they never give them the time, effort, love and care for the horse to be that amazing horse it is.
Horse soring it a use of chemicals, pressure or devices to cause pain to the front feet and legs of horses when they touch the ground and which make the horses do this unique but tremendously painful trot. Most people
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Your horse can also founder by you leaving it out on too much land with a lot of grass or over feeding him. Foundering is a very painful yet common condition. You can tell you horse it foundered because, of the way he stands, horses feet and stomach is typically a square or rectangle shape hut he they are foundered it will look more like a trapezoid. You can also tell by your horse's feet. The horses feel will also curve upward and cause great pain to the horse. To help the horse get better from being foundered, you can get a farrier and trim the curved hoofs but you can only trim a little at a time so it will take several different shoeing trips. You will also need to move them on a dry lot but with some hay and water. Love and care will help the horse out so much.

Neglect and abuse
Horse neglect and abuse, is very common, so many people see it and don't report it, and some people cause it intently and others intentionally. The people that don't mean to do are mainly the people that don't know what they're doing until it's too late. But all of the other cure people do it and know that they are doing it. There are people that beat their horse because maybe the lesson bib go good, or the horse did listen, or be bucked , kicked of bit. But whether your horse did any of that or not and you have an excuse it's still not okay nobody deserves that.
In conclusion, I feel very strongly about this