Horse Jumping Essay

Submitted By ssmith12341234
Words: 415
Pages: 2

Horse jumping is one of the most exiting of all equine sports and one of the few of being an Olympic event. The horse and rider must be an equally talented athlete in order to compete in the highest levels of this sport. There are many excellent horse trainers who know how to get the best out of the horse and rider. For anyone that wants to compete in jumping competitions finding a great trainer is just as important as finding a great horse. Not everyone will have the natural talent it takes to clear the highest jumps. It is important to remember that horse jumping is a serious sport and that not all horses and riders are suited for the sport. Horse riders or non-horse riders like the thrill of this top level competition by horses and riders from all around the world. Many of the most competitive and successful jumping horses are warm bloods from the European heritage, as they have both the height and legginess to clear the tallest jumps and the bravery to go boldly over each jump. Show jumping is a career and a full-time job as you travel around the world, but it can be a lot of fun. Today the world of show jumping is for show, except for the occasional fox hunt. Show jumping is clearly for competition or just for the fun of it. (:

In fifteen years I will be an equine veterinarian. In order to achieve this profession I will need a love for horses and experience around them. I will also need a master’s degree with course work in chemistry, physics, biology,