Horse Slaughter Research Paper

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Pages: 4

Horse Slaughter Blood, stun guns, and horses are just some of the things involved in the killing of thousands of innocent horses each year. I strongly do not agree with any plans of slaughtering horses in the US, but every year it’s said that approximately 150,000 American horses are shipped across borders to be killed. In America we think of horses as companions, not food. Most of the time the horses that are being killed in slaughterhouses were young and could’ve lived productive lives. Those horses are usually race horses that are no longer winning money or older horses that nobody wants anymore. Horse slaughter should not exist in the United States because mislabeled meat, negative effects on American taxpayers and the government, and …show more content…
It’s obvious that so many Americans would vote down the legalization of slaughtering horses, but if it is passed horse-meat isn’t safe to eat. Itś not safe because, ¨Every single horse has a unique, unknown past. Unlike animals raised for food, horses do not spend their lives being prepared for the food chain. Every horse is a pet, riding companion, race horse, show pony or work partner. Each may be a single patient to any number of vets, transferred by any number of owners, and has a unique life story¨ (The Facts About Horse Slaughter). With that being said, people really do not know much about the horse´s background. The horse could´ve had a major muscle disease like HYPP and that may make the meat unsafe to eat. The USDA would then have to be stricter when, ¨USDA’s Food Safety Inspection Service is already stretched thin,¨ (The Facts About Horse Slaughter). That means that some of taxpayer’s money will be going towards hiring more inspectors for horse slaughter facilities if horse slaughter becomes legal in the United States. ¨The USDA should not extend funding for a new program to slaughter horses—a practice that 80 percent of Americans oppose,¨ (The Facts About Horse