Hostile Sexism: The Impact Of Discrimination On Men And Women

Words: 292
Pages: 2

According to David, Dhupiya & Raghuwanski (2015), “discrimination against women is still widespread all over the world, yet most women do not challenge ongoing gender inequality”, So the study analyzed the impact of two of the complementary sexist ideologies, benevolent and hostile sexism, that work together to stabilize the current gender hegemony (David, Dhupiya & Raghuwanski, 2015). Benevolent sexism applies to a chivalrous and sympathetic expression of male preeminence while in contrast, hostile sexism refers to the notion that men are more deserving of the higher status and power than women because of their competency. The two notions could affect both men and women in different manners. Benevolent sexism exposure may result to gender-specific