Hotel Rwanda And The Night Comparison Essay

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Pages: 3

In the book The Night by Elie Wiesel and the movie Hotel Rwanda they both discuss and are about different things that have impacted the world such as war and the holocaust. The two are very similar though in many different ways. In the book the time that it is in is between 1933-1945 and in the movie it was around 1945 and even though they are really close in times doesn’t mean that the same difficulties and struggles are different because their not, they are similar in a million different way.
The first reason is that someone is fighting because in the book hitler and the nazis fought with the Jews and made their life terrible and forced them to do things like work and give them their belongings like in the movie when the main character had to pay to save other people and they had to work if they wanted to
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So to come to conclusion the book the night and the movie hotel Rwanda were really similar because of the ways such as the setting because of the war going on around them , time because the differences between people and what they thought about each other , people on how they think of one another, and what they went through to live because many of the people had to make sacrifices even if that what they died for a loved one or just were unlucky and couldn't do anything about how your life was because you just can't because you already know that you are