How Can Congress Be Made More Responsive To Public Opinion?

Words: 657
Pages: 3

1. How can Congress be made more responsive to public opinion? Does the increased party leaders’ control over Congress bring the legislature closer to the public? Further away? Or does it not make any difference?
I believe, the increased party leaders’ control definitely helps out with public opinion being known. Along with Congress being very aware of said opinions on issue. When polls are created and people vote, Congress is either going to do what needs to be done or give the public a chance to voice their opinion in decisions being made. Though, public opinion has less power on the courts than other branches, along with politicians.

2. Congress is generally unpopular, whereas individual members are popular and usually reelected. Why does the institution suffer while incumbents shine?

Year after year, polls have proven how much Americans dislike Congress. Though unpopular, most Americans approve of the job their districts representative are doing. From helping with constituent deals to bringing in federal money to help fund projects for the local economies. Americans would prefer re-electing their district representative than bringing in a new face.

3. Why did the courts take the lead on civil rights for minorities? Isn’t this issue more appropriate for the elected officials of the government?
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People consistently fought for legal, social, political and cultural changes to prohibit discrimination and end segregation. The Supreme Court had move power over elected officials in officially stop the movement. The courts took the lead in the civil rights movements because the were able to implement laws through the courts that allowed better life for the minorities at the time. To me this issue was an issue for both the courts and the elected officials. They should have worked hand and hand with each