How Chemotherapy Changed My Life

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Pages: 3

Time. It never pauses to wait for somebody falling behind, nor does it slow down when another desires more of it. While some people spend it dreaming of the future, others dwell on the past. What ever happened to the present? Instead of wasting time, individuals today need to focus more on managing time.
Because of all of the conflict and suffrage in today’s world, every human being should value and treasure his or hers physical time on Earth because there is no saying of when it might come to a halt.
Not to be a “Debby-Downer,” but my aunt is currently going through her second battle with cancer. Chemotherapy has lowered her energy and has limited what she is able to do everyday. Although my family and I have been supportive and we are helping her every step throughout the fight, there is no way of knowing what the future may hold. Now that a situation so devastating has entered our lives, we have all come to the realization that we need to
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All families have experienced some sort of hardship that has already brought one’s life to an end, or that possibly will in the future. Matter of factly, there are innocent children and adults across the world that have diseases infesting their bodies and slowly eating them away from existence as well. These individuals don’t possess the ability to predict what might be coming from these corruptions, so they cannot waste the minimal time that they still obtain. Believe it or not though, taking time for granted does not just come about in tragic circumstances that pertain to life or death either. For instance, procrastination might present itself in the process of completing an assignment in school, or something of these sorts. Someone might therefore then regret their actions; they will wish that they had properly managed the time they were originally given. Unknowingly, whether reaching a due date or the conclusion of a life, his or hers time could still be up