How DACA Changed My Life

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Pages: 3

For years, I learned to meticulously hide away one of my deepest secrets. The type of secret that parents make their children promise not to tell anyone, for the consequences are too dire. It wasn't until years later that I realized why I was so different to other kids my age, so other, why there were certain things I couldn't do. I learned to be wary, and although proud of my background, never told of my birth place for fear of the questions that usually followed. I am undocumented. But growing up and hearing about situations my community faced, I did not understand why there was so much resentment towards immigrants, like me. Three years ago, I finally qualified for the DACA program put in place by Obama through an executive order. And although, …show more content…
And then suddenly, the unforeseen arrival of our current administration crashed into my life much like a tornado. The months leading up to the election had turned me into a puddle of anxiousness. I now recall the fear I felt the morning after the election, when everyone walked around like corpses not understanding what had happened, or if it was even real. There were stolen glances filled with tears and tense whispers all around. Whether one agrees or disagrees with our current administration's policies, it is abundantly clear that everyone was shocked at the results of the election. There have certainly been terrifying moments in my life, where terror took control of me, not unlike a snake wrapping around its prey while slowly constricting their air flow, the moments such as the unforgettable one during my freshman year, when everything I thought I knew was shattered once a peer relentlessly asked if I had "papers." But underneath the fear, there was always a steady stream of anger flowing through me. The type of anger that overrides any fears and fueled with adrenaline, gives a moment of clarity. I became tired of waking up fearful of what may come, so tired that I decided to speak