How Democratic Was Andrew Jackson A Tyrant?

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Pages: 4

Andrew Jackson was elected into the presidency in 1828, after campaigning for four years and spreading his message of equality and democracy. His hostility towards the American System, and the Northern elite, appealed to the “common man” – or the majority of America, consisting of the working class. Jackson viewed himself as the protector of the equality of economic opportunity, along with the “guardian of the Constitution,” individual liberty. However, the Jacksonian Democracy, was undeniably, un-democratic. While he claimed to advocate for equality and uphold the Constitution, his advocation did not encompass all people, as he did not acknowledge Native Americans as people. To his enemies he was seen as a tyrant, as Jackson’s main priority was to …show more content…
In 1828, Southern Carolinian politicians tried to limit the power of central government by attacking the tariff. Jackson was forced to protect the tariff when the south tried to disbar it in fear that it would subsequently cause the government to try and abolish slavery. High tariff congressmen ignored the southern warning that the Tariff was “endangering the Union,” and the threat of southern secession, and set the “Tariff of Abominations” once again. In 1832 the South attempted to nullify the tariff; however, Jackson claimed that nullification violated the constitution and went against the notion of a unionized country. Paralleling King George III prior to the Revolutionary War, Jackson authorized the use of an army to coerce the South into obedience. He sent 50,000 troops to force the South to submit, and by 1833 had set the tone that nullification was not an option in the United States. Andrew Jackson’s use of the militia to compel the South to bend was tyrannical, and it is another leading cause in why “King” Jackson is often depicted adorned in a cape and crown above the Constitution (Document