How Did Abraham Lincoln Become President

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Abraham Lincoln Before Becoming President

Abraham Lincoln was born in February 12 1809 Hogenville Kentucky to Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks Lincoln. Abrahams farther Thomas was a determined pioneer who found a moderate level of prosperity and was well respected by family and friends. Abraham Lincoln had two siblings, a older sister and younger. Abrahams younger brother Thomas died in infancy. The Lincolns were forced to move from Kentucky to Perry Indiana in 1817, where the family lived on public land to scrap out a living in a crude shelter, hunting and farming a small plot until Thomas was eventually able to buy the land.

At 9 years old Abrahams mother died. As time went on Abraham grew distant from his father and hated the hard work placed on him. A few
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His entrance into American politics seems to be as dull and uninteresting as it was short. As he was the only member of the whip part he found it hard to find new political contacts. During this term he spoke out against the Mexican and American war and supported Zachary Taylor for president in 1848. Due to his criticism about the war, he became unpopular and didn't run for a second term but went back to a lawyer in Springfield.

In the 1850s, the railroad industry was moving west and Illinois started to become a prime location for various companies. Abraham Lincoln work as a lobbyist for the Illinois Central Railroad as its company attorney. Banks, insurance companies and manufacturing firms started to become clients of Abraham Lincoln and they heard of his successes with the Central Railroad. Lincoln also tried some criminal trials. In one case, a witness accused Abraham's client of murder due to the fact that he could seem the murderer with the light of an intense full moon. Lincoln referred to a calendar and proved that the night in question had been too dark for the witness to identify the face of his