How Did Alexander The Great Spread Hellenism

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Pages: 4

Alexander the Great spread Hellenism throughout his empire during his rule. Hellenization is the spread of Greek culture, language, and population. Created by Alexander, the Hellenistic age was when cultures all mixed together. Alexander the Great’s conquests in the third century BC contributed to the spread of Hellenism, specifically through religion, expansion of his empire, and trade.
By adopting parts of other religions, Alexander’s conquests contributed to the spread of Hellenism. Alexander encouraged the idea of merging other cultures with Greek culture. Alexander married a Persian princess, which allowed the Persians to accept him more, Alexander also arranged thousands of his soldiers to marry Persians, which would help to unite the empire. Greek gods and Persian gods merged. Alexander adopted Persian clothing, Alexander even thought that he was a Greek.
Alexander inspired loyalty into the people he
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Greek religion spread to places like Egypt, and other cultures was brought back to Greece. Other cultural ideas such as art and architecture were adopted by Greek culture. People also believed they could gain more power if they adopted Hellenism, which also contributed to the spread.
Another successful conquest of Alexander was when he established many Greek-style cities. Alexander established these cities in very useful parts of his empire such as on major trade routes. Similar to Greek cities, the cities had temples, markets, and theaters. People soon flocked to Alexander’s cities bringing language, art, food, clothing, and more culture with them. This allowed culture to mix even more.
People came from all over to Alexander’s newly established cities. Because everyone moved to the new cities, exchanged culture was exchanged. In order to communicate with each other, people needed a common language. A solution to this was everyone learned the same language, which made everyday life much