How Did Aristotle Say That The Earth Is The Center Of The Universe

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Pages: 2

It was once stated by Aristotle that the Earth was in the center of the universe> Around the 1600s Aristotle said that the Earth was the center of the universe because the sun and moon rotated around “us.” Another theory has also been proven true later on with the help of Aristotle. A lady commented that the Earth is flat and is on the back of a “tortoise”.” Aristotle disproved that theory by using the example of a boat on an ocean. He said “If the Earth was flat we would see the boat no matter how far it went. But we can’t see the boat that goes past the horizon line, which proves that the Earth is round.” Around the 1800s two astronomers, Johannes Kepler and Galileo agreed on Copernicus’s theory which was that the Sun is in the middle of