How Did Calpurnia Contribute To Julius Caesar's Death

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Pages: 2

They warned him about the upcoming events, but he was betrayed by someone close to him. On March 15th, 44 B.C, Julius Caesar was assassinated by Brutus, Cassius, and the Senate. Those individuals were jealous of Caesar’s power. Which most likely influenced the attack at the meeting. According to Exhibit C Julius Caesar’s wife, Calpurnia was having visions and dreams about Caesar’s assassination. Calpurnia became extremely worried and would not let him go out that day. However, Brutus the conspirator, persuaded Julius Caesar to go to the Senate house. Exhibit D states that an eyewitness saw Brutus in the struggle that happened before Caesar’s death. Therefore Brutus must have had something to do with the murder, if not then planned it. As