How Did China Use Militaristic Aid To Vietnam

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Pages: 3

Section B: Summary of Evidence
1. Militaristic Aid
• During the First Indochina war, the Chinese Communist support for the Viet Minh against the French in the First Indochina War was estimated at less than 20 percent of Viet Minh supplies and approximately one-ninth of the amount contributed by the United States to France but contributed significantly to the success of the Viet Minh.
• China’s militaristic aid to Vietnam began in March 1946, when the Chinese Communist First Regiment of the Southern Guangdong People’s Force entered Vietnam during the Chinese Civil War and began to lay the foundation for the training and advising the Vietnamese forces.
• The Regiment also provided officers to the Cadre Training Center in North Vietnam and the Vietnamese Advanced Infantry School and trained about 830 personnel by 1947.
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• Communist troops along the border of China and Vietnam, General Giap wrote a few years later, “altered events in Asia and throughout the world, exerted a considerable influence on the war of liberation of the Vietnamese people. Vietnam was no longer in the grip of enemy encirclement, and was henceforth geographically linked to the socialist bloc.”
• “Chinese supplies rose from 10 to 20 tons per month in 1951, to 250 tons per month by the end of 1952, then to between 400 and 600 tons in 1953 and to 1,500 tons when the battle of Dien Bien Phu began.”
• By March 1952, the CIA estimated there were approximately 15,000 Chinese in Vietnam serving in various “technical, advisory and garrison