How Did Edmunds Morgan Pursuit Of American Freedom

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Pages: 4

Morgan Book Report The fiery motivation to fight against English tyranny to claim American freedom and the simultaneous system of vicious slavery to uphold the American economy: how is it possible that both can exist together? This is the question that Edmund S. Morgan attempts to answer and explain in his book American Slavery, American Freedom: The Ordeal of Colonial Virginia. With a focus on economic drivers, Morgan’s depiction of early Virginia reveals how slavery came to be, as well as how slavery came to be racial. The narrative begins in the sixteenth century with the English plans to colonize Roanoke in order to take advantage of the New World in the same ways the Spanish had. Travelling through the early history of Virginia, the reader …show more content…
Therefore, with the change in mortality rates comes the change in labor. Another fascinating aspect of Morgan’s rendition of the Virginia colony narrative is the economic factors that heavily influenced the introduction of racial slavery in the United States. Many, if not most, Americans do not know the origins of slavery in the colonies, much less attribute such brutal slavery as we know it became to economic survival. Morgan offers a compelling perspective on labor and how the adaptations that ended up as slavery were necessary for the greatest financial advantage. In a new world where both opportunity and mortality rates run high, colonizers were bound to make the most of what they could in the time that they had. This motivation, especially as it became more and more competitive as mortality rates decreased and indentured servants lived to see their own land, paved the way for brutal racial