How Did George Washington Make Important And Meaningful Decisions

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George Washington made many important and meaningful decisions during his time as the first president of America. Some of these decisions still last today and some of them weren’t even to his liking. His decisions forged the way for future presidents and for America itself. The Judiciary Act of 1789 was one of the first things George Washington worked on when he became president. His task was to create a Judicial branch for America as stated in the Constitution, but the Constitution didn’t tell him how to do it or what the Judicial branch was to be made of. The Judiciary Act of 1789 answered these questions as he created a supreme court with 5 associate justices and 1 Chief justice. With this it established 13 federal district courts and 3 federal circuit courts. This act Washington created was very crucial to America’s development. It followed the Constitution’s wishes and established a Supreme court that had “the supreme Law of …show more content…
To help him and his vice president govern the nation he created three executive departments, all with different tasks and all with leaders that Washington appointed himself. He created the Department of State, Department of Treasury, and the Department of War; in which he chose Thomas Jefferson as Head of State, Alexander Hamilton as Head of Treasury, and Henry Knox as Head of War. He then appointed Edmund Rudolph as the attorney general, or lawyer for America. These department heads became presidential advisors and soon began to make up the president’s cabinet. Meetings would then be called to help Washington on matters of different aspects as these men were experts in their fields. This changed the way America was ruled. It allowed the president to have a group of people he trusted to come and advise him on topics that he might not know so much about or something he needs a second opinion on. This important practice of a cabinet of advisors is still used today in