How Did Harriet Beecher Contribute To The Civil War

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Pages: 3

Harriet Beecher was a great influence in the way the nation viewed slavery and brought light to many of the horrible abuses and living conditions slaves suffered through during this time. However, her book only added more fuel to the flame that had already been started. Stowe’s passionate representation of the impact of slavery, especially on families and children, captured the nation's attention and opened the eyes and hearts of many of the people who did not sympathize with slaves. Uncle Tom's Cabin contributed to the eruption of the conflict by personalizing the diplomatic and financial arguments about slavery. Stowe’s more personal and emotional writing style inspired people in a way that newspapers and third person accounts could not. Helping many Americans determine what kind of country they wanted the United States to become for the future. …show more content…
In the years leading up to the civil war, Congress was forced to pass the Missouri Compromise of 1820. Conflicts had begun to escalate between the pro-slavery and anti-slavery divisions within the Congress and across the nation. This tension reached a new high after Missouri’s request for approval to the Union as a slave state, which endangered the very fragile balance between the slave states of the south and free states of the north. To keep the peace, Congress arranged a two-part arrangement, approving Missouri’s appeal but also declaring Maine as a free state. This compromise also passed an amendment that drew an imaginary line across the former Louisiana Territory, establishing a border between the free and slave regions of the country further solidifying the divide in the