How Did Hitler Use Resistance During The Holocaust

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Pages: 2

Same but Different About six million out of nine million people of Jewish faith died during the Holocaust. (“How”). The Nazi’s first took power in 1933. The Holocaust did not end until 1945. (“Holocaust”). During the Holocaust, resistance is classified into armed or unarmed which helped Jews maintain their humanity. The most common form of resistance was unarmed. Jews used escaping as a form of resistance. “Thousands of young Jews resisted by escaping from the ghettos into the forests.” (“Jewish Resistance”). This was considered resistance because they were not obeying the Nazi’s orders. This was common among the young and nonviolent Jews because they were very intimidated by the Nazi’s. However, this was not the only form of unarmed resistance. Stealing and smuggling was the most popular type of unarmed resistance. The Jews usually stole food to keep themselves from starving to death. “The Nazi’s allowed the Jews only 184 calories of food each per day, and they had to supplement this by stealing from outside the walls whenever possible.” (“Resistance”). 184 calories per day is not enough to support the human body. Since …show more content…
Armed resistance took many different forms from attacking Nazi’s was machinery to blowing up crematoriums. “Several days later, the SS identified five women, four of them Jewish, who had been involved in supplying the members of the Sonderkommand with explosives to blow up a crematorium. All five women were killed.” (“Jewish Resistance”). The Sonderkommand was the Jewish Special Detachment that fought against the SS guards. They resisted in many different ways but this was most definitely one of their most outstanding examples. Armed resistance took many different shapes and forms but was the most influential example of resistance. People who used violence to resist were very brave and courageous. Sticking to their morals and beliefs motivated them to fight back in a prominent