How Did Hoover Respond To The Great Depression

Words: 462
Pages: 2

The Great Depression was a very damaging period in America's economy.It was the serious and the worldwide economic decline of the 1930s.Many people were left jobless, homeless, and with no money.Many things needed to be fixed in this fragile economy. There was a range of problems that needed to fix such as, foreign global problems with Europe being bankrupted by Dawes plan and Tariffs Wars.The main problems in America were overproduction, unstable banking policies, unstable labor policies and etc.During this time period of the Great Depression, there were two presidents elected.Herbert Hoover was president from March 4, 1929, to March 4, 1933, and Franklin D. Roosevelt was president from March 4, 1933, to April 12, 1945. The two presidents tried to handle these problems and other raging problems in various ways.Hoover created many things to help solve the great crisis. He tried many things in order to improve economic conditions.Hoover tried to restore or reassure confidence in the American economy, stating that “Prosperity is just around the corner.” He altered his view that government should not directly become directly involved in the economy.He also promoted programs such as the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, to aid businesses, on the theory that as businesses recovered, economic benefits would trickle down to the workers and consumers.Hoover also encourage volunteer relief efforts to solve homelessness and poverty. With all …show more content…
Concluding this essay Roosevelt and Hoover tried end the Depression.With many laws and programs passed eventually the Depression ended. Both these presidents were elected during the Great
Depression.Hoover was very conservative. He also feared that government interference might hurt the economy. As a result of his presidency the economy became worse. Roosevelt ultimately gave Americans hope for ending the Depression and a better