How Did John Locke Exercise The Power Of Government

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In 1066, William, Duke of Normandy formed a council which was a group of nobles and church leaders who advised him and help him make laws (The council was later called the parliament by the late 1200s). In 1154 William's great grandson, Henry II became king, he set up the courts and sent judges to try cases and apply the law equally and fairly with every case. Henry II died and his son Richard and spent most of his reign away from England.
When he was gone Richard's brother Prince John tried to steal the throne and when Richard died John became King and raised havoc. King John ignored the Great Council and when he got into wars, he raised taxes to pay for them. The nobles and church leaders gathered an army and threatened rebellion. King John called truce and in 1215 the English nobles presented him with the Magna Carta. This document stated that
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Locke stated it is the government's job to protect the rights of life, liberty, and property of the people. He said if a government robs the people of those rights, then the people have a right of revolution. Kings were subject to natural law, and should exercise power for the good of the community. If a king acted like a tyrant, Locke explained that it is lawful for the people to resist their king.
People all over Europe and even in the distant British colonies of North America read John Locke's essays. John Locke and his writings influenced the development of democracy in countries all over.

In The Spirit of Laws Baron de Montesquieu wrote that the best way to protect liberty was to separate a government's powers into three branches: a legislative branch to make laws, an executive branch to enforce laws, and a judicial branch—the courts—to interpret laws. With power divided among the three branches, he concluded, no single part of the government could become too