How Did Marjorie's Opinion Changed On Moving To A New Town

Words: 457
Pages: 2

Write a question or a series of thoughtful critical questions about the section, along with an answer.
1. After Marjorie moves away from her hometown, do you believe she will still have a close bond with her friends as she claims she will? Marjorie seems to be optimistic person who believes the best of a situation. She promised her friends that she would write often as possible but she may not be able to keep this promise. It is natural for a person to grow distance from people due to not being able to see a person. However I believe that Marjorie already realized this but she will put an effort on trying to keep her friendship with her friends from her old town.
2. What is Marjorie’s true feeling towards the plan of moving to a new town?
I believe that because of Marjorie’s optimism, she sees that moving and making a start may be a good thing. She seems to want a new excitement in her life and feel different of herself. However as a reader it is seen that there are negative outcome of this response. Marjorie might see this as a new opportunity but she feels upset over the fact that she is leaving her old friends and family behind.
3. In what way did Marjorie’s opinion changed on moving to a new school changed on her first day?
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The reality was the opposite. There are some people who are cruel to another person for no apparent reason and it is much harder to make friends that she actually expected. Marjorie had realized that her new school is not perfect as she imagined, it has its flaws that includes the people she cannot tolerate like mean girls, classmates who are misunderstanding and teachers that have no interest in their classmates. However Marjorie’s impression of her new school is dissatisfying and she wants to be in a better learning environment. She believed that if she stays positive that there may be a positive outcome from her