How Did Napoleon Bonaparte Rise To Power

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Pages: 4

Napoleon Bonaparte was a general and emperor of the French empire who thanks to his military genius became one of history's most influential men in history. While it's true that there were some national and political circumstances that allowed him to rise to power, the truth is that if it weren't for his genius and his boldness he wouldn't have have achieve the fame he has today. Napoleon was born in the island of Corsica in 1769, and at the age of 9 was sent to a military academy at Brienne-le-Château, where he distinguished as an absorbed but brilliant student. In a documentary made by the PBS about his life it's said that “one teacher described him as quiet and solitary, frightfully, egotistical, proud, ambitious. He would go far(...)in favorable circumstances”. Eventually he enrolled in the army, where he rose first to a moderate position as a second lieutenant in the artillery , and eventually to brigadier general in 1795. In October of 1795, his actions in protecting the National Convention from the royalist rebels earned him the rank of major general. He was then put in …show more content…
Before and during the revolution french lawns were unorganized and obsolete, so Napoleon took the task to write a new set of rules and regulations that preserved most of the ideals of the revolution. In the eyes of the Napoleonic code, all men were -equal and had the rights to choose their religion and professions, and it also abolished feudalism and serfdom. However, it wasn't fair to everyone , especially for women, who were put under the authority of their fathers, had great difficult to divorce and were treated with less respect than men. Despite this the Napoleonic code became the base of many of many countries laws . Napoleon’s influence in Europe helped spread the ideals of the revolution through the continent and shaped the future of human rights, equality of rights, constitution and