How Did Prometheus Influence Greek Mythology

Words: 1124
Pages: 5

Prometheus is know as the Titan of wisdom and forethought, however; this is not apparent in the history of the Greek gods. Prometheus plays a very important part in the stories of Greek mythology. To the ancient Greeks, he influenced the course of history, he is responsible for the troubles inflicted upon man, and because of this he had to serve a long and horrible punishment. Prometheus is a prominent character in the early mythology. Prometheus was a Titan. He was the son of the Titan Lapetus and Clymene the Oceanid. His brothers were Menoetius, Atlas, and Epimetheus. When the war between the Olympians and the Titans was fought, also called the Titanomachy, Prometheus sided with Zeus and the other Olympians. Since everyone fighting in the war was immortal, no one could die. To end the war, Zeus threw his powerful thunderbolt and everything was engulfed in flames. Being on the winning side, Prometheus was not banished to Tartarus with his fellow Titans. Two other Titans were spared as well, Atlas the Titan who was forced to hold the sky upon his shoulders, and Epimetheus, the Titan who was assigned to create the animals. Prometheus himself was faced with the task of creating humans. Prometheus greatly influenced history because if he had fought on the other side of the Titanomachy, he would have surely been banished to Tartarus along with …show more content…
When Epimetheus and Prometheus were challenged to create man and beast, Epimetheus gave all of the best qualities to the animals and there was none left for man. Prometheus was then faced with the task to make man stand out from the animals. He gave men the gift of wisdom, stolen from Athena, and the gift of fire, stolen from Hephaestus. He also made men upright like the gods. This greatly separated man from the wild animals. When Prometheus created man, everything was peaceful and perfect. However, Prometheus is responsible for the downfall of man as