How Did Rosa Parks Became One Of America's Greatest Heroes

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Pages: 3

Founded an institute. Was put into Time magazine's 'Top 20 most influential people of the 20th Century' list. Was named the 'Mother of the Civil Rights Movement.' Who knew that refusing to move from a bus seat, Rosa Parks became one of America's greatest heroes?
Rosa Louise McCauley was born February 4th, 1913 in Tuskegee, Alabama. She didn't become Rosa Louise Parks until 1932 when she married Raymond Parks. Her little brother, Sylvester, was born August 20th, 1915. After Rosa's parents divorced (Rosa Park Biography), her, her mother and brother went to live with her grandparents in Pine Level, Alabama and started going to a rural school (Rosa Louise Parks Biography). Later, her mother and grandmother became very sick, so she stayed home to tend to them until they were better (Rosa Louise Parks Biography).
At the age of 19, Rosa met and married a young man named Raymond Parks. He was a self-educated young man and he dressed so well, spoke such a thorough tongue about
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She had refused to stand up for whites on the bus, claiming she was in a seat for blacks instead of whites. The bus driver called the police and had her arrested immediately. She was charged with 'refusing to obey the orders of bus driver' (Bredhoff). On the night of her arrest, E.D. Nixon of the National Association of the Advancement for Colored People (NAACP) began to form plans and the bus boycott began on December 5th, 1955. With most of the African-American community not riding the bus, the NAACP thought a longer protest might be more successful (Rosa Parks Biography). The bus boycott lasted 381 days. During the boycott, Martin Luther King Jr. emerged and was elected leader during it. After being convicted, Rosa's lawyer filed notice of appeal and three judges decided "segregation on public transportation was unconstitutional" on November 13th, 1956 (Bredhoff). On December 20th, 1956, the bus boycott officially ended (Rosa Park