How Did The Boston Tea Party Justified

Words: 655
Pages: 3

On December 16, 1773, less than 100 American colonists invaded British ships to dump forty-five tons of tea overboard, which would cost about one million dollars today. The American colonists were not justified in throwing the tea overboard into the Boston Harbor. The colonists never repaid the British after the British protected the colonists multiple times. The colonists destroyed property of the British. Lastly, the colonists basically caused all the trouble for themselves, whether if they just listened, everything would of played out fine. Thus, the colonists were unjustified in their actions of the Boston Tea Party,
First, the colonists had never repaid the British for what the British did for the colonists. Britain protected the colonists from war in America multiple times. The seven years’ war is one example of when the British had the colonists back and they fought for them. The French and Indian war also is an example of when the British again defended the colonists. Because of these two great wars and all the ammunition needed, Great Britain and King George III went into great debt. This is what caused the colonists to
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On the date of the Boston Tea Party, the colonists threw over 45 tons (90,000 lbs.) of tea overboard into the Boston Harbor. Around present day, all that tea would of costed about $1,000,000. So basically, the colonists threw away a lot of money back in the day. American colonists couldn’t even own up to their own crimes, so they dressed up as Indians to try and frame the Indians, which is also known as fraud. It was evil and uncalled for, for what the colonists did, and everyone forgets the fact, that it was illegal. The colonists could of been punished, put behind bars, and enslaved in a prison. Also, what the colonists did is considered high treason towards their Mother Country. Therefore, the colonists committed an illegal crime by destroying Britain's