How Did The Industrial Revolution Affect The World

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Pages: 5

The Industrial Revolution was one of the world’s greatest advancements and achievements in human history. A pivotal change in the history of mankind, the Industrial Revolution has had an everlasting effect on the world that can still be seen today. The Industrial Revolution got its started in late eighteenth century England, where the means of production moved from being handmade at home to urban cites with the use of machines and factories with the power of steam or coal. This change in production may seem like a minor detail, but it completely rewrote the rules of how the world works.
The Industrial Revolution was a world-wide phenomenon, and it all began in late eighteenth century England. “In part this was due to a set of fortunate circumstances: Britain was a secure island nation with a robust empire, profitable overseas trade networks, and established credit institutions. Perhaps ever more important, Britain
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“The English also considered the pursuit of wealth a worthy goal, far more than the Continental European countries.” All this together brought forth inventors and entrepreneurs to revolutionize and evolve further towards the eventual result of industrializing Britain and the rest of the world. “the Industrial Revolution begun with dramatic technological leaps in a few industries, the first of which was the already established cotton textiles. The inventions that revolutionized the industry was the spinning mule, which combined the features of the spinning jenny and the water frame which significantly increase the speed of the weaving process.” The work that could only be done by hand, by one person soon was being accomplished by one machine at a rate of six