How Did The Mongols Become Barbaric Dbq Essay

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Pages: 3

Ever since the beginning of mankind there’s has been conflict between men. Conflicts that escalate to wars can bring a great amount of loss, bloodshed and savagery. But how much savagery is too much? Where is the line that separates normal war tactics and being barbaric and savage? The Mongols were an army that just about crossed that line into being barbaric and savage. The Mongols were a group of army led by Gehngis Kahn eight hundred years ago during the thirteenth century. They conquered most of the known world at the time but killed millions of people while doing so, even some of their own people. In document 2 it states “When they are in battle, if one or two or three or even more out of a group of ten run away, all are put to death; and if a whole group of ten flees, the rest of the group of a hundred are all put to death, if they do not flee too.” They were willing to kill a whole group of 100 men just to prove a point and have order, this is showing no humanity and have no morality. Some people may say that this is just discipline and order but other people died because of just one person, this is not discipline this is over the …show more content…
However the Mongols took this to another level that isn’t necessary. In document 4 it says “It was commanded that the town should be laid waste in such a manner that the sight could be ploughed upon; and that not even cats and dogs should be left alive…” These are actions that were unnecessary and inhuman, they could’ve just taken over they didn’t have to kill all those people and even the animals. In document 4 it continues and says “They severed the heads of the slain from their bodies and heaped them up into piles, keeping those of men separate from those of women and children.” This is one of the most barbaric things people can do, the innocent people of the towns were already dead there was so reason to do this to