How Did The Nazi Party In Germany Between 1934 And 1939

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Nazi Party

The Nazi Party, or also known as The National Socialist German Workers’ Party was founded in early 1919 on February 24th. Hitler and his Nazi Party brought about various changes in Germany between 1934 and 1939. These are political, economical, and social changes affecting people in many different ways. The ordinary people in Germany, especially the unemployed ones, were the ones who were benefited by some of the economical changes. Afterwards, their beliefs would prove to be wrong. After all the desirable and undesirable events had occurred, Germany entered war and headed for the fall.

Nazi Party Origins

The Nazi Party started as a gang of unemployed soldiers in 1919, which eventually became the legal government of Germany by 1933. If someone heard the words “Nazi
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They would most likely assume he founded the whole thing, which is incorrect. The actual founders are three German revolutionary thinkers named Anton Drexler, Gottfried Feder, and Dietrich Eckart. Hitler just joined later, after he was spying on the party from the German Army. As he was spying, he began to realize the party’s philosophies and theories were very similar to his own. He could not help but stand up and speak to the people who expressed ideas that he could relate to. Drexler soon started to notice how Hitler put so much passion into his speeches and invited him to join the party. At this time the party was still small but growing. Hitler was the 54th person to join.

Hitler and the Nazis Come to Power

Hitler and his followers had a slight advantage of rising to the top