How Did The Roman Empire Change The World

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Pages: 4

The Roman Empire

The Roman Empire was a massive empire that stretched all across asia for thousands of miles. It was the pinnacle of civilization under the roman emperor. So what did this empire's existence do to the rest of the world? There is no doubt that the Roman Empire Changed the world forever.
The roman empire Lasted from about 146-476 AD. That is over 300 years, and longer than the united states has been a country by almost a century. This means the roman empire was just at the beginning of it's reign and still had such a huge effect on the rest of the world.

The empire affected the rest of the world by trade, language, and even architecture. The rest of the world started to mock the roman empire because hundreds of empire's started to rise after the world saw how magnificent the roman empire was. Many aspects of today's society have been affected by antediluvian Rome . Engenderment of law, development of democratic regime practices, influences in language, literature, art, infrastructure, and city-orchestrating are all areas where the influences of Roman conceptions can be visually perceived. Adscititious, Roman influences have had considerable consequentiality in the spread of Christianity. The Roman process of making laws has withal had a deep influence on modern democratic political systems. During the Roman Republic, lawmaking was a bicameral activity. Legislation
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The Roman Imperium contributed to the spread of Christianity. When the Bishop of Rome took power after Constantinople became the capital of the imperium, ideological differences became manifest between the East and West. Eastern Christians looked more yarely to Constantinople , its Emperor and its bishop. Meanwhile, Western Europeans inclined to look to the missionaries sent by Rome and to the Holy Father of Rome for faith and guidance. Finally, a parting occurred between the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic