How Did The Roman Empires Influence Rome

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Pages: 3

1. Etruscans, also known as the people of Etruria had adapted be Greek writing their local language, thereby creating what came to be known as the Latin alphabet. They also brought Rome into a Mediterranean commercial network. But an Etruscan tyrant provoked the ambitious Romans to revolt in Rome's expulsion of the Etruscans. They were commemorated by Romans for centuries as the end of tyranny the beginning of rule of public possession. This began the Roman republic which is a government by elected representatives that proved they were capable of military con and administrative efficiency. The government of the Roman Republic was grounded in principles and practices unlike those developed earlier in Greece. Athenian democracy was based on the right of all adult male citizens to debate, deliberate, and vote. This type of government, a direct democracy was possible in a city,state with a limited population, but Rome was larger Athens, and it kept growing.
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The expansion of Roman territory during the era of the Republic made Rome a huge power and allowed it to take control of vast areas of land surrounding the Mediterranean. However, the expansion also led to stresses that destroyed the Republic and helped turn it into an empire.During the era of the Republic, Rome came to dominate its area of the world. It defeated its major rivals, most notably Carthage. It also took control of areas as far as Syria in the east and what is now France in the west. This made Rome the greatest power of its time.This expansion, however, helped lead to the fall of the Republic. The stresses of war made it very difficult for the Senate to effectively rule. This was exacerbated by the fact that the Senate was now required to rule a much greater amount of territory. In these ways, the expansion contributed to the greatness and power of Rome, but it also helped lead to the collapse of the