How Did The School Board Make The Right Decisions

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Pages: 3

Did the School Board make the right decision?
The school board has argued about the use of computers in classrooms, in their point of view computers are a distraction for students and they interfere in their learning. So they have decided that computers must not be allowed in classrooms. But is computer´s only function to distract students?
In my opinion, computers are fast, fun and fantastic! Computers are an efficient platform as source of information. It gives the students many points of view and ideas of the topic they wanted to know about. Also, they can find information in just a click, faster than going to find a book about that topic. If students have any doubt and the teacher is not around they can access to the answer wherever they are, whenever they want. Nevertheless, a lot of people think that computers contribute to plagiarism, but the students that do
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Besides, trees keep us alive by giving us oxygen and decreasing the carbon dioxide in the air, and the computers are saving them. However, other people believe that the use of computers increase the e-waste and I agree with that, but by using the computers we are not wasting paper.
In addition, computers offer more variety of tools. The students will have more options and ideas to make their work more creative and outstanding. They could write neatly and clear so teachers would understand, because when some students write in paper their handwriting is not very clear.
Furthermore, the computers are easier to carry around than books. The students have to carry a lot of copybooks and books to each class, but in the computer they have all merged together. Most students hurt their backs for carrying heavy backpacks, and by only carrying a computer they would be preventing a serious injury in their