How Did The Second Continental Congress Justified Dbq

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Pages: 3

In April of 1775, the first shot of the American Revolution had been officially fired in Lexington and Concord. Later that summer, the Second Continental Congress was created and helped officiate the war from 1775-1781. All of the colonies protests, boycotts and riots had led to a revolutionary war. They had lost faith in the British Crown and its Parliament, so they did what they thought was right and revolted. The Colonist were justified for rebelling against the British because the King sent troops during peaceful times, allowed Parliament to tax them without representation and congress had tried to peacefully negotiate with the King.
After the French and Indian War and Pontiac’s rebellion, the British had sent troops over. This was because the British Parliament promised the Native Americans that they would keep the colonist from expanding any further. Afterward, they sent troops to keep them out of the land that Britain rightfully won
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The petition was sent to King George III, and it stated that's the colonies would like to reconcile their relationship with Great Britain. It also expressed that the colonists were devoted to the Crown but against the Parliament. King George III rejected it angrily and sent more troops to the colonies. Congress had tried to alleviate the war after the first three months of bloodshed but the King dismissed and sent more troops for the cause of war. That action shows that he didn't want peace because if he did the petition would have been accepted with open arms.
In conclusion, the colonies were justified in rebelling against the Crown and Parliament and leaving the British Empire. They had political, economic and social reason to rebel against the Crown. The King sent an unnecessary amount of troops during calm times, allowed Parliament to impose taxes without allowing them to be represented and rejected the colonist cries for